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Art & Culture

The most  famous and favorite of students in *sensor* junior high school is..... Art & Culture *are you sure?* ^^
Art and culture is one of subjects in my school. I think that’s the coolest subject xixi. Mulai dari guru, kelas, dan kegiatannya itu benar-benar menarik dan menantang. Here, the subject that I choose is 


Seni rupa... Dari tiga seni yang ada, seni yang aku pilih buat didalami selama tiga tahun adalah seni rupa. Sebenarnya karena aku nggak berbakat buat masuk di seni tari dan aku terlalu “mekso” kalau aku milih buat masuk seni musik. Jadi, seni rupa menjadi pilihan yang kayaknya HARUS dipilih. Aku baru ngerasain kalau masuk ke seni rupa itu benar-benar berat.

  1. Selalu ngeluarin modal yang besar
  2. Ajegileee ya, GURUNYA rada judes dan galak lho *menurutku sih*
  3. Seni yang butuh energi ekstra besar sendiri dari semua seni yang ada
  4. Anak seni yang paling sering digerecokin sama anak-anak seni lain, ex: waktu ngerjain batik tuh, anak-anak pada rusuh pengen nyoba mbatik juga.
  5. Kerja keras ekstra dan disiplin harus tinggi *kalo nggak, nggak dapet nilai tuh, dari guru*
Actually, masih banyak lagi. Tapi kata bapakku *re: sambil medok* yang namanya orang nuntut ilmu itu nggak boleh kebanyakan ngeluh. Wadoooh... Rasanya tuh, capek juga tauk, Be! Udah gitu pake diomelin, “siapa suruh masuk seni rupa! Kalo masuknya seni musik kan enak.. Alat-alatnya udah ada semua tinggal pake aja, nggak usah kesana sini cari alat seni rupa yang mahal-mahal dan susah dicari!” DUEEEEERRRR JEGLER JEGLER... #makjleb banget kata-kata babeku! Ya namanya juga coba-coba, cari sesuatu yang baru kan! But if I think, the instrument seems useless when I start to learn about drawing art. Pilihan yang berisiko dong! Lagian kalo aku masuk seni rupa sebenarnya aku juga nggak hebat-hebat banget buat nggambar. Berhubung aku juga udah mau lulus pasti seni rupa juga akan segera berakhir :D
I speak about this ‘art & culture’ it just because I got a trouble to solve my problem in drawing art. Banyak banget tugas dan kegiatan yang harus dikerjain. Udah kelas 9 tapi masih ngerasain derita yang berlebih ckckck

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Hi, friend.

Thanks for giving me your apologize. The best thing I ever done. Kalau bukan tanpa kamu yang buat aku sadar nggak tahu udah seberapa jauh aku nglakuin itu semua. Jujur, emang nyebelin mukamu waktu itu dan aku benci sama nada suaramu yang sok-sokan, dagumu yang kelihatan arogan, tanganmu yang sok elegan. Tapi aku muak sama kamu di hari itu doang! Aku benci sama kamu di hari itu, doang! “WOW!” apa mungkin karena aku berpikir kamu itu orang baik tapi terkadang caramu yang salah dalam judging someone ya? Hmmmm.. I dunno
Aku nggak tahu apa kamu benci sama aku, atau kamu muak sama aku setelah insiden itu. Tapi aku nggak pernah peduli, aku selalu anggap kamu teman dan aku lihat kamu biasa aja. But we never ever talk about anything in our school, huh? Is that clumsy?
2 days before examination, you shook my hand. Guess what, you and me... Said “maaf” in one time. You and me... smiled in one time after say sorry, you and me... Said “sama-sama ya”. Menurutku, kita wajar aja kan bilang sesuatu yang udah familiar entah ikhlas atau nggak. Tapi seriusan, mulutku ngerasa happy-party waktu bilang maaf sama kamu :D 

Ehmm.. Once again, thank you and sorry, cool girl. re: Guess who? ;)

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My Life Belongs To...

Friend, a best friend (NOTE IT!)
A best friend is someone who always communicates you what you need to hear, honesty, that thing is not something which you like to hear.
Other expression: honesty is the one which owned and needed by someone. Friend that always express the truth, that’s a best friend

How To Read People Like A Book|Murray Oxman

Article on the top is a hint for one of girls who did something without thinking first and hurt other people. Is that best friend?

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Pernah nonton Oprah Winfrey show? Perempuan wonderful dan keren *menurutku, menurut anda?* Dia hebat ya? A heroine, right? Jiwa sosialisasinya yang tinggi buat banyak orang ngagumi dia. The real idol, yang punya banyak kehebatan, powerful, and a humble woman. Aku mau deh, punya tante seperti beliau. Beautiful inside, strong, and brave (she takes a risk on doing something bravely).

Aaaaaaa... Pengen banget ketemu sama Oprah dan meluk dia *apadeh*. Tapi iya nggak sih? Siapa yang nggak mau ketemu sama dia coba! Perempuan milyarder yang selalu rela ngerogoh kocek dalam jumlah besar buat bantu warga negara yang lagi kena musibah. Orang yang rela habisin *duit apa kertas coba* buat menolong sesama. Damn! Kapan gue punya duit segitu yak!

It just merely dream. Meet Oprah Winfrey, sing with her, hug her, and take her photo. Or maybe... Be a billioner, through my show like Oprah :D “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream.”

Oprah Winfrey with Obama's family. I hope someday it happens to me

I love her smile, She shows her teeth and smile
She looks great with pink background, awesome!

Oprah Winfrey after show

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What A Pity!

The most valuable thing is give and have affection. If I could back to the past time, I would make her to be proud of me. I wish He listens to my hope and let it happens.

Feel so stupid, desperate, confused, and restless when I know  if I can’t do anything to my mum. She spoke to me, “Jadi anak yang utama ya, mbak. Jangan kayak ibu, udah tua terlanjur nggak bisa ngapa-ngapain. Ambil pangkat yang lebih tinggi dari ibu!” But I think she’s the smartest woman I ever knew. Although I never took care by her when I was child, she’s still my mum. She gave me an important lesson about decency. She gave her knowledge when I was 7th, and I thought if she was not late. I read Al-Quran, had a pray, and fasted.. I learned from her. She gave me the best education. She told me every morning to pray before did something. She woke me up every dawn. She showed me how to operate computer. She did anything that I can’t mention here.

5 days before national examination, she spoke to me, “Bisa nggak ngasih ibu nilai 10?” ten? I have no voice to say ‘iya aku bisa!’ and suddenly, “pasti bisa!” #eaaa... she smiled and I shake her hand before went to school. The day after examination, I said to my mum if I can’t do the best for her. I can’t give her a ten. I heard her voice, it seems she was dissapointed. That’s my fault! I looked at her face, she tried to smile and said everything’s gonna be fine. I’m so sorry, Mum.
Well, you learned a lesson from your mother. You shouldn’t have listened to bad news about her. Now you have to repair the damage.  Show to her if you can give the finest value. You can reply her merit.

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